Wednesday 28 September 2016

DBA'S Roles and Daily Activities

 dba's roles and daily activities

DBA's Roles and Daily Activities:

  • As part of DBA team need to provide 24/7 production support to client and users.
  • We will look into client mail box first and respond to required mails
  • We will check Ticketing tool and will work on the available tickets which includes Incidents, SR's, Changes and Problem tickets based on priority whether it's P1\P2\P3 
  • We will check and work on recurring activities if any such as weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly.
  • We will work on adhoc requests which are requested  by client.
  • Make sure all the maintainence jobs are running successfully.
  • Make sure all backup jobs executed successfully without any issues on all servers.
  • Checking sql server logs to identify bottlenecks.
  • Checking drive spaces on critical servers to ensure that there is ample amount of space.
  • Regularly monitor data file growth,log file growth,database growth as part of capacity planning.
  • Maintain documentation of all the tasks and issues that you encounter for future reference.
  • Check whether all sql services are running or not.


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